Dublin: 8 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

8 people who REALLY love their Christmas presents


BY NOW, THE PRESENTS have all been opened, the correct batteries have been located and inserted, and the wrapping paper disposed of properly (or saved for next Christmas, if you’re that guy).

No doubt you’re delighted with your Christmas present haul, but will you ever be as happy and grateful as this crowd? Probably not.

This guy who’s over the moon with his PS3

Source: Jalani Patterson

This dad who can’t believe his son got him tickets to the game

Source: Daniel Buckhannan

This little girl who loses it over Hannah Montana tickets

Source: kjj1985

This little boy who wails like a banshee when he gets his Nintendo 64

Source: raw64life

This mum who gets a gift of her daughter’s scan photo and realises she’s going to be a grandmother

Source: TheAverageGuy42

This One Direction fan who just got tickets to see Harry Styles in the flesh

Source: Dawn Leahy

These sisters who are overcome with joy when they see their new puppy

Source: John McNamara

And this girl who realises the ringing gift bag contains an iPhone

Source: Rachael Kern

Dad films his kids coming downstairs every Christmas for 25 years>

We hope the victim of this Christmas prank is feeling suitably festive>

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